Workshop - Interior design

Workshop - Interior design

Here are my first thoughts on the layout – given limits of time and cash I am planning a combination of ikea cabinets and a hand-made workbench. I would like to make this a dual purpose entertainment and (small) project space, but this plan tends to favour the latter activity. Unless you count a bench as...

Here are my first thoughts on the layout – given limits of time and cash I am planning a combination of ikea cabinets and a hand-made...

workshop construction
Cheap Cladding

Cheap Cladding

I stumbled across a possible cladding material for the out-of-sight sides for the workshop, called ecosheet. Light, completely waterproof, hard-wearing, does not need painting and can be drilled and sawn like wood – perfect! It is also made of 100% recycled plastic so good for the planet. That was the good news, the bad news is...

I stumbled across a possible cladding material for the out-of-sight sides for the workshop, called ecosheet. Light, completely waterproof, hard-wearing, does not need painting and...

workshop cladding
Roughly Weatherproof

Roughly Weatherproof

a minor milestone has been reached and the workshop is now more-or-less wind and rain proof. Bob arrived with the replacement window on Tuesday and helped me fit it. It turns out there is a right and a wrong-way for a modern glazing unit to face – apparently one of the surfaces is ‘low emission’ and...

a minor milestone has been reached and the workshop is now more-or-less wind and rain proof. Bob arrived with the replacement window on Tuesday and...

workshop construction