How much did it cost?

How much did it cost?

My original guestimate of around £6000 was not even close and my updated, and slightly better informed, estimate of £7500 was not much better.  The actual total was £9760 – add in a skip or two and we can call it £10k. Could it be done for £7500 ? I think so, but I would have had...

My original guestimate of around £6000 was not even close and my updated, and slightly better informed, estimate of £7500...

Estimating the cost of your build

Estimating the cost of your build

How much does it cost to build your own garden room? Those of you with a good memory may recall that my original estimates on the build costs were around £6,000-£7,000, which after a bit of cursory research I imagined being spent like this: * SIP panels and sub-frame = 3300 * plinths (footings) = 700...

How much does it cost to build your own garden room? Those of you with a good memory may recall...

Workshop drawing tools: SketchUp

Workshop drawing tools: SketchUp

When thinking about how to design my workshop I did some cursory research on  design software and found most were both expensive and complicated to use.  Then I had a thought – surely this is something that Google will have sorted out by now? And it turns out that they’d had a hand in doing...

When thinking about how to design my workshop I did some cursory research on  design software and found most were...