Chromecast in your workshop

Chromecast in your workshop

Once you have your shed network established you can worry about the important business of watching youtube videos of cats on a big screen TV. You can either: * install an aerial * pay your cable company to add another connection (and dig up your lawn) * use t’internet I have gone for the later, since all...

Once you have your shed network established you can worry about the important business of watching youtube videos of cats on a big screen TV....

workshop electrics
Networking your shed with powerline adapters

Networking your shed with powerline adapters

The wifi signal from the house does not quite reach the shed, a common problem for people with sheds/workshops/offices at the end of the garden. The best solution is to run ethernet cable from the house but this can be a major hassle, particularly if, like me, your router is at the front...

The wifi signal from the house does not quite reach the shed, a common problem for people with sheds/workshops/offices at the end of...

workshop electrics
Plywood workbench - finishing touches

Plywood workbench - finishing touches

After plugging the countersunk screw holes with cedar plugs, I decided to finish the top of the workbench with this: ..followed by a coat of osmo poly hard wax oil clear, as per the instructions for the tinted polyx. A couple of things I would have done differently: 1. I would not have left the...

After plugging the countersunk screw holes with cedar plugs, I decided to finish the top of the workbench with this: ..followed by a coat of...

plywood workbench
Introduction to Workshop Dust Extraction

Introduction to Workshop Dust Extraction

I’ve added a simple dust extraction solution by using a 63mm plastic blast gate inserted through the top of the desk. In order to attach the vac to the underside of the blast gate I used some flexible hose and a plastic 90° connection (both from the same range of 63mm dust collection parts...

I’ve added a simple dust extraction solution by using a 63mm plastic blast gate inserted through the top of the desk. In order to...

workshop dust collection
Robertson woodscrews

Robertson woodscrews

I mentioned that the vice I installed came with screws that use Robertson heads (see the picture below).I had not come across these before and while looking into them I came across an excellent article describing the baffling array of screw types available, including a potted history and a summary of the pros/cons...

I mentioned that the vice I installed came with screws that use Robertson heads (see the picture below).I had not come across these before...

Veritas face vice

Veritas face vice

Test fit of vice. I ordered a Veritas face vice, but did not have any suitable timber to make the jaws (I was recommended maple – no doubt any hardwood would do). Partly out of impatience, and partly because I thought a trial run would be useful, I decided to temporarily fit it using some of...

Test fit of vice. I ordered a Veritas face vice, but did not have any suitable timber to make the jaws (I was recommended maple...

Dust Extraction - Vacuum Connections

Dust Extraction - Vacuum Connections

I have been researching how to connect various dust extractions components to my vac. After a fair amount of investigation I had’t found much useful information, other than it seems to be a well kept secret that the defacto standard diameter for the hose inlet for vacs is 57mm (2 1/4 inches). Confusingly,...

I have been researching how to connect various dust extractions components to my vac. After a fair amount of investigation I had’t found much...

workshop dust collection
Workbench construction  - Part II

Workbench construction - Part II

The bench is almost finished – I just need to secure the top (which I have not done just yet while I figure out what to do with the hoover) and do the finishing touches. In the end I did the leg like this: it is strong and the bench is very solid, I left a...

The bench is almost finished – I just need to secure the top (which I have not done just yet while I figure out what to...

plywood workbench

Plywood workbench construction - Part I

I have completed most of the base now. I’m most pleased with the pocket hole jig- it even comes with a vacuum attachment, which is very useful when you are doing a lot of them. the kit includes a corner clamp with a plastic dowel that inserts into one of the pocket holes to...

I have completed most of the base now. I’m most pleased with the pocket hole jig- it even comes with a vacuum attachment, which...

plywood workbench

Mail me with your critisisms

A letter has flooded in from a Mrs Trellis1 of North Wales. “Dear Mr Miliband, ” (she writes) “Your blog was quite amusing at the start, but now it is boring. Regards Mrs Trellis” Well, fair point Mrs Trellis.  Here is an off colour cartoon to liven things up. 1) name changed to avoid embarrassment. Yes,...

A letter has flooded in from a Mrs Trellis1 of North Wales. “Dear Mr Miliband, ” (she writes) “Your blog was quite amusing at the start,...

workshop fitting-out
Fixing cheap combination squares

Fixing cheap combination squares

My plywood order arrived earlier in the week and I hope to get a few hours this weekend to start on the bench. In the meantime I have been trying to educate myself on some of the basic techniques, for example, how to cut things square. To show the level of my naivety, it had...

My plywood order arrived earlier in the week and I hope to get a few hours this weekend to start on the bench. In the...

marking & measuring
Workbench mitre saw station

Workbench mitre saw station

This is how I plan to accommodate the mitre saw. I currently have an el-cheapo sliding compound mitre saw (an evolution rage 3, which I got for the bargain price of £35 (!) from screwfix a couple of years ago when it was on sale) .  This will fit but not be level with the surrounding bench....

This is how I plan to accommodate the mitre saw. I currently have an el-cheapo sliding compound mitre saw (an evolution rage 3, which I...

plywood workbench
Pylwood Workbench Design

Pylwood Workbench Design

I have set myself the slightly pointless goal of trying to construct my workbench using just 5 pieces of 8’x’4 plywood and some screws/glue, and here is the design: Now I have finished the drawing I can see that there are a some issues that could have been resolved easier/cheaper by...

I have set myself the slightly pointless goal of trying to construct my workbench using just 5 pieces of 8’x’4 plywood and some...

plywood workbench
Evolution Foosball table installed

Evolution Foosball table installed

The table arrived on Monday. It does fit nicely in the corner and, despite being quite heavy, is relatively easy to move around – it folds flat in situ and can be rolled around on the wheels at one end. Having said that it would be a lot more convenient if I could just stand it...

The table arrived on Monday. It does fit nicely in the corner and, despite being quite heavy, is relatively easy to move around – it folds...

workshop fitting-out
Workshop interior - cabinets and benches

Workshop interior - cabinets and benches

I popped to Ikea yesterday and spent £360 on the frames, doors , hinges etc and £80 on the worktop counter for the bench. This was a bit more than I had hoped to spend, so to compensate I am going to try and create the workbench and shelving from three pieces of 8’x4′ plywood...

I popped to Ikea yesterday and spent £360 on the frames, doors , hinges etc and £80 on the worktop counter for the bench. This was...

workshop design
Workshop - Interior design

Workshop - Interior design

Here are my first thoughts on the layout – given limits of time and cash I am planning a combination of ikea cabinets and a hand-made workbench. I would like to make this a dual purpose entertainment and (small) project space, but this plan tends to favour the latter activity. Unless you count a bench as...

Here are my first thoughts on the layout – given limits of time and cash I am planning a combination of ikea cabinets and a hand-made...

workshop construction