I have completed most of the base now. I’m most pleased with the pocket hole jig- it even comes with a vacuum attachment, which is very useful when you are doing a lot of them.

the kit includes a corner clamp with a plastic dowel that inserts into one of the pocket holes to keep the corner tight when you insert the screw into the other hole. Very handy as the screw tends to push the corner apart otherwise.

here is the base done – a proper carpenter would no doubt despair at the number of screws I’ve had to use, but it all fits and is quite sturdy.

Annoyingly, my hoover does not work when lying down. A chap on the GarageJournal forum explained that this is caused by a plastic diaphragm that moves up and down – it is designed to float and blocks the inlet when the vac is full of liquid, preventing it overfilling. I took the diaphragm out as I don’t plan to use it for liquids and this means the vac now works. However, it is an almighty faff taking it in and out of the cubbyhole, which will be necessary quite often, so I think I need a better solution.I have come close to giving up with the arc shaped support I planned for the LHS, as I am not convinced it will be strong enough. I have a vague idea that I could use two of the plywood arcs just for cosmetics – they would clad a piece of wood braced at 45 degrees against the wall and another piece screwed to the underside of the plywood top. Not sure if that will be good enough – I will have to experiment and see what works.