Setting up and sharpening bench planes (intro)

Setting up and sharpening bench planes (intro)

Here is what I learned about setting up and sharpening bench planes. If you participate in any woodworking internet forums at some point you will stumble upon a debate about the best way set them up and sharpen the blade for use. Sadly these debates are often marred by ill humour and repetitive argument. Unsurprisingly...

Here is what I learned about setting up and sharpening bench planes. If you participate in any woodworking internet forums at some point you will...

bench planes
How to refurbish a bench plane

How to refurbish a bench plane

This post describes how to refurbish a bench plane. To show what can be done with even the most unpromising looking specimen, here is the worst example I purchased: …it was made at some point between WWII and the mid-1950s and, as you can see from the photo of it dismantled, it has been painted...

This post describes how to refurbish a bench plane. To show what can be done with even the most unpromising looking specimen, here is the...

bench planes
Dating Record Bench Planes

Dating Record Bench Planes

As we already found out there are no very old Record bench planes – production started in 1931 – and there are lots of them about, so ebay descriptions of “antique” Record bench planes are something of a misnomer. While the older models might reasonably be referred to as vintage, in the sense of something from the...

As we already found out there are no very old Record bench planes – production started in 1931 – and there are lots of them about, so...

bench planes
Record Bench Planes  - a Brief History

Record Bench Planes - a Brief History

Old Record bench planes show up on ebay on an almost daily basis and are frequently described by optimistic sellers as “Vintage”, but how old are they really? To answer the question I have looked at the circumstances that prompted Record to start producing hand planes and in a subsequent post I will look at...

Old Record bench planes show up on ebay on an almost daily basis and are frequently described by optimistic sellers as “Vintage”, but how old...

bench planes
Buying used bench planes on ebay

Buying used bench planes on ebay

As I mentioned earlier, my foray into buying used bench planes on ebay is inspired by Paul Sellars, a British woodworker who talks eloquently about the value still to be found in old hand-planes and other tools.   He puts his money where his mouth is too, by routinely using an old Stanley 04 he bought...

As I mentioned earlier, my foray into buying used bench planes on ebay is inspired by Paul Sellars, a British woodworker who talks eloquently about...

bench planes
Starting out with bench planes

Starting out with bench planes

The plan was to acquire hand tools as I needed them and since I had to remove about 5 mm from the top of my bench vice  jaws which, per the instructions from the vice manufacturer, I had left slightly proud of  the top so they could be planed flush after installation, the starting point...

The plan was to acquire hand tools as I needed them and since I had to remove about 5 mm from the top of my...

bench planes
Starting woodworking

Starting woodworking

Everyone is on a “journey” these days, and now I am too – my journey into woodworking has begun. I remember very little about the craft lessons I took at school, although I vaguely recall doing a term of wood working and a term of metalworking – I suppose about 30 hours of training in total.    Not...

Everyone is on a “journey” these days, and now I am too – my journey into woodworking has begun. I remember very little about the craft...

saw bench

Workshop Storage

I made some shelving and an open sided bookcase type affair. This was an opportunity to try out a very extravagant purchase – a festool domino.   The tool has an oscillating cutter that creates a recess for variously sized beech tenons (“dominos”) that can be used to create an accurate woodworking joint without any skill whatsoever....

I made some shelving and an open sided bookcase type affair. This was an opportunity to try out a very extravagant purchase – a festool domino....

workshop storage
Dust Collection - Final Touches

Dust Collection - Final Touches

You may recall that I have set up my dust collection in such a way as there is no path for static electricity to make its way safely to ground. If you have been following my obsessional warblings about static electricity you will also know that and this spells certain doom.  Here is my solution:...

You may recall that I have set up my dust collection in such a way as there is no path for static electricity to make...

workshop dust collection
Festool CTL SYS Mobile Dust Extractor Review

Festool CTL SYS Mobile Dust Extractor Review

Here is a review of the Festool CTL SYS from the perspective of the small workshop user. Until a couple of weeks ago we had a Sebo hoover in the house but in a stroke of good fortune it broke down.  I made a half-hearted attempt to fix it and then persuaded my wife that...

Here is a review of the Festool CTL SYS from the perspective of the small workshop user. Until a couple of weeks ago we had...

workshop dust collection
Static Electricity and the Oneida Ultimate Dust Deputy

Static Electricity and the Oneida Ultimate Dust Deputy

Some Festool vacuum owners had issues with the original Ultimate Dust Deputy (UDD), apparently because it caused a static build up that discharged through the vac damaging its motherboard in the process. Do you need to be concerned about the same thing happening to your vac? Static electricity and the original Dust Deputy You can...

Some Festool vacuum owners had issues with the original Ultimate Dust Deputy (UDD), apparently because it caused a static build up that discharged through the...

workshop dust collection
static electricity

static electricity

I did a fair amount of research before settling on my preferred option for dust extraction (an Oneida Dust Deputy) and it seems that at some point a few years ago there was controversy around its use with Festool Vacuums. I came across some reports from owners of the original model claiming it had caused...

I did a fair amount of research before settling on my preferred option for dust extraction (an Oneida Dust Deputy) and it seems that at...

workshop dust collection
Oneida Ultimate Dust Deputy II - Dust Collection In Action

Oneida Ultimate Dust Deputy II - Dust Collection In Action

I did quite a lot of research into dust collection cyclones that would fit in a small workshop. This research involved some discoveries about the wonders of static electricity – of which more later – but in the meantime, here is what I decided to get: As you can see from the picture, it was designed to...

I did quite a lot of research into dust collection cyclones that would fit in a small workshop. This research involved some discoveries about the...

workshop dust collection
Dust Collection with a Cyclone

Dust Collection with a Cyclone

What does a dust cyclone do? The cyclone attaches to your vacuum and separates a large proportion of the dust from the airstream , dropping it into a separate container. As dust enters the cyclone, centrifugal force moves the heavy dust particles to the interior sidewall where airflow is slowed down by friction.  As the debris...

What does a dust cyclone do? The cyclone attaches to your vacuum and separates a large proportion of the dust from the airstream , dropping it...

workshop dust collection


One of the plants I had to hack down when building the shed was a nice Honeysuckle ‘Graham Thomas’ – it was about 3 meters high and had a glorious scent when it was in flower.    I cut it back to the ground but did not expect it to recover, however, it has surprised me by...

One of the plants I had to hack down when building the shed was a nice Honeysuckle ‘Graham Thomas’ – it was about 3 meters high...

workshop fitting-out
Chromecast in your workshop

Chromecast in your workshop

Once you have your shed network established you can worry about the important business of watching youtube videos of cats on a big screen TV. You can either: * install an aerial * pay your cable company to add another connection (and dig up your lawn) * use t’internet I have gone for the later, since all...

Once you have your shed network established you can worry about the important business of watching youtube videos of cats on a big screen TV....

workshop electrics