Early Steel Making - Blister steel

Early Steel Making - Blister steel

Bar-iron (also known as wrought iron) was the raw ingredient for creating a form of steel known commonly as blister steel, and blister steel was in turn the primary ingredient for the crucible steel used by Sheffield tool makers. Steel is made by combining iron with small amounts of carbon. The puddling process used to...

Bar-iron (also known as wrought iron) was the raw ingredient for creating a form of steel known commonly as blister steel, and blister steel was...

iron & steel
Wrought Iron

Wrought Iron

As discussed in the previous post, plane blades from the 19th century were typically made of a wrought iron backing with a hard steel bit welded to the tip[1]. To better understand the history of these and other edge tools created in this era we can take a look at the processes used to...

As discussed in the previous post, plane blades from the 19th century were typically made of a wrought iron backing with a hard steel bit...

iron & steel
bench planes - laminated vs steel blades

bench planes - laminated vs steel blades

If you pick up a wooden bench plane from the the last century (there are lots of them about still!) the chances are it will have a ‘laminated’ cutting iron (we are going to touch on some basic metallurgy with many mentions of iron in this post, so I will refer to them as ‘blades’...

If you pick up a wooden bench plane from the the last century (there are lots of them about still!) the chances are it will...

bench planes
Bench planes - blade steel choices

Bench planes - blade steel choices

Makers of edge tools, including plane blades, need to be concerned about several different properties of steel. Steel Properties Toughness: This is the ability of the steel to deform without breaking, cracking or chipping. Materials that lack toughness are said to be brittle. Note that sharpening angles have an effect here – the narrower the angle...

Makers of edge tools, including plane blades, need to be concerned about several different properties of steel. Steel Properties Toughness: This is the ability of...

bench planes
English Workbench - holdfasts

English Workbench - holdfasts

The bench is finished! I am very pleased with the holdfasts, they were made by Simon James and I got mine from Classic Hand Tools, delivered next day at the very reasonable price of £49 for the pair including delivery. Some people have trouble using holdfasts on thin tops, I experimented on the front apron...

The bench is finished! I am very pleased with the holdfasts, they were made by Simon James and I got mine from Classic Hand Tools,...

English workbench
English Workbench - finishes

English Workbench - finishes

Tradition has it that you should either use a 50/50 mix of boiled linseed oil* and turpentine or not bother with a finish at all. I still like to do a bit of tool fiddling now and then – which often involves some grubby metalworking – so I decided to put a finish on mine to...

Tradition has it that you should either use a 50/50 mix of boiled linseed oil* and turpentine or not bother with a finish at...

English workbench
English Workbench - fitting a Record 52 ½ vice

English Workbench - fitting a Record 52 ½ vice

As I mentioned earlier, my brilliant plan of drilling separate holes for the guide rods and screw for the vice was not a success. The holes have to be positioned exactly right and, although I had the holes in the right place, it seems I had not drilled them completely square and the rods were...

As I mentioned earlier, my brilliant plan of drilling separate holes for the guide rods and screw for the vice was not a success. The...

English workbench
English Workbench - flattening and finishing the top

English Workbench - flattening and finishing the top

I have now flattened the top and rear apron – it took about an hour and forty five minutes (for the rear I just took off the grungy surface but made no effort to flatten it). This is in addition to the time I spent previously removing the high spots on the top and doing the...

I have now flattened the top and rear apron – it took about an hour and forty five minutes (for the rear I just took off...

English workbench
English Workbench - roughly levelling the top

English Workbench - roughly levelling the top

I did the initial flattening of the top in about 40 minutes – I used my wooden jack plane to take off the high points and then the wooden jointer to work across the grain. The result is not pretty but is reasonably flat, and I will clean it up on another day. The apron took...

I did the initial flattening of the top in about 40 minutes – I used my wooden jack plane to take off the high points and...

English workbench
English Workbench - mortices for vice and bench stop

English Workbench - mortices for vice and bench stop

Today’s update consists entirely of making holes – hole 1 is for the bench stop, hole 2 (more of a trench really) is to accommodate the top of the rear jaws of the vice. My brilliant plan for the vice is to fit it on the inside of the apron and, so it will sit...

Today’s update consists entirely of making holes – hole 1 is for the bench stop, hole 2 (more of a trench really) is to accommodate...

English workbench
English Workbench - preparing the top

English Workbench - preparing the top

Earlier today I flattened the undersides of the 3 boards that will make up the top.  It did not take long – an advantage of the planked top design, since you only have to worry about getting the boards reasonably flat, the idea being that any twist or bowing/cupping along the length will be removed...

Earlier today I flattened the undersides of the 3 boards that will make up the top.  It did not take long – an advantage of the...

English workbench
English Workbench - preparing for the top

English Workbench - preparing for the top

Preparing for the top simply involves getting all the parts that receive the top planks flat and level. Here is the bench glued and nailed up: Getting things flat and level means using a plane – or in my case several. Over the past couple of years I have bought and refurbished a number of old...

Preparing for the top simply involves getting all the parts that receive the top planks flat and level. Here is the bench glued and nailed...

English workbench
English Workbench - glued and nailed

English Workbench - glued and nailed

glued and nailed – not a complicated job, but I rehearsed it just in case. What could go wrong I hear you ask? Well, nothing major but my nails were slightly too long and poked out the other side of the legs. I suppose only I will know but they lurk there nonetheless, waiting to impale...

glued and nailed – not a complicated job, but I rehearsed it just in case. What could go wrong I hear you ask? Well, nothing major...

English workbench
English Workbench - Aprons

English Workbench - Aprons

The rigidity of an English workbench is provided by aprons: the legs fit inside housings in the apron preventing the bench from twisting. A possible disadvantage of this design is that the joints can become loose over time and a suggested improvement – from Paul Sellers – is the addition of wedges: When I have made benches...

The rigidity of an English workbench is provided by aprons: the legs fit inside housings in the apron preventing the bench from twisting. A possible...

English workbench
English Workbench - vice clean up

English Workbench - vice clean up

The final two things I did over the weekend were to attach the top bearers to the legs and also to clean up my vice, which I bought last April. Once I removed all the crud, paint, dried oil etc and applied some lubricant it works very well and there does not seem to be...

The final two things I did over the weekend were to attach the top bearers to the legs and also to clean up my vice,...

English workbench
English Workbench - leg brace

English Workbench - leg brace

I finished the leg brace, and the result is a rather complex looking set of recesses on the front RHS leg – it is not as complex as it looks to do, since you are just doing a series of simple half lap dovetails. I managed to avoid any major cock-ups today, but to make up...

I finished the leg brace, and the result is a rather complex looking set of recesses on the front RHS leg – it is not as...

English workbench