Workshop - Interior design

Workshop - Interior design

Here are my first thoughts on the layout – given limits of time and cash I am planning a combination of ikea cabinets and a hand-made workbench. I would like to make this a dual purpose entertainment and (small) project space, but this plan tends to favour the latter activity. Unless you count a bench as...

Here are my first thoughts on the layout – given limits of time and cash I am planning a combination of ikea cabinets and a hand-made...

workshop construction
Building with Structural Insulated Panels (SIPs)

Building with Structural Insulated Panels (SIPs)

what is a SIP? A SIP is a prefabricated panel consisting of two layers of Oriented Strand Board (OSB) sandwiching a layer of expanded polystyrene or urethane foam. The history of building with SIPs SIPs are a relative novelty in the UK – the majority of our houses are still built with brick and block – but...

what is a SIP? A SIP is a prefabricated panel consisting of two layers of Oriented Strand Board (OSB) sandwiching a layer of expanded polystyrene...

workshop construction
Workshop drawing tools: SketchUp

Workshop drawing tools: SketchUp

When thinking about how to design my workshop I did some cursory research on  design software and found most were both expensive and complicated to use.  Then I had a thought – surely this is something that Google will have sorted out by now? And it turns out that they’d had a hand in doing...

When thinking about how to design my workshop I did some cursory research on  design software and found most were both expensive and complicated to...

workshop costs
Planning Regulations

Planning Regulations

Planning permission in the UK governs the relationship of a building to its surroundings, including its external appearance, position and size. There follows a brief summary of the rules concerning garden buildings. If you are considering a building in your own back garden please do not assume this is correct – you need to contact your...

Planning permission in the UK governs the relationship of a building to its surroundings, including its external appearance, position and size. There follows a brief...

workshop construction