Workshop Storage

I made some shelving and an open sided bookcase type affair. This was an opportunity to try out a very extravagant purchase – a festool domino.   The tool has an oscillating cutter that creates a recess for variously sized beech tenons (“dominos”) that can be used to create an accurate woodworking joint without any skill whatsoever....

I made some shelving and an open sided bookcase type affair. This was an opportunity to try out a very extravagant purchase – a festool domino....

workshop storage
Workshop - Interior design

Workshop - Interior design

Here are my first thoughts on the layout – given limits of time and cash I am planning a combination of ikea cabinets and a hand-made workbench. I would like to make this a dual purpose entertainment and (small) project space, but this plan tends to favour the latter activity. Unless you count a bench as...

Here are my first thoughts on the layout – given limits of time and cash I am planning a combination of ikea cabinets and a hand-made...

workshop construction