My original guestimate of around £6000 was not even close and my updated, and slightly better informed, estimate of £7500 was not much better. The actual total was £9760 – add in a skip or two and we can call it £10k.
Could it be done for £7500 ? I think so, but I would have had to reduce the spec for flooring, cladding and lighting.
You would probably save hundreds on materials compared to the price I paid if you are in the building trade, or know someone who is. Even if this is not the case, no doubt with a bit more patient shopping around it would be possible to get better prices than I did – for instance I probably paid more than strictly necessary for timber just for the convenience of using a local timber merchant.
Was it worth the money? It's obviously a lot of money for what is essentially a posh shed, but I got much satisfaction from having done the work myself and it is a consolation to know it would have cost much more to buy a similar spec building from one of the main garden room suppliers. I'd do it again!

In the next instalment, things I wish I had known at the outset and things that, with hindsight, I would have done differently.