Ward & Payne Aristocrat Chisels So far as I can discover the Ward & Payne Aristocrat chisel is the only chisel ever to have been granted a Design Award. The Council of Industrial Design (CoID) granted the award in 1959. Design Awards The CoID was set up by the British Government as part of its plan for post-war reconstruction. In... So far as I can discover the Ward & Payne Aristocrat chisel is the only chisel ever to have been granted a Design Award. The... Nick 09-May-2018 chisels
Firmer, mortise, paring & ripping chisels What is a firmer chisel? Nowadays when we talk about firmer chisels we tend to think of a fairly stout chisel with parallel sides: .. but in the past the term ‘firmer’ had a broader meaning, covering a wide range of general purpose chisels. It is not clear why the term ‘firmer’ came to be used... What is a firmer chisel? Nowadays when we talk about firmer chisels we tend to think of a fairly stout chisel with parallel sides: .. but... Nick 04-May-2018 chisels
Chisel Types We are all familiar with chisels: simple tools made from a long piece of steel with a bevelled cutting edge and a handle which is struck or pushed in order to cut or shape wood, stone or metal. Is there much more to say on the matter? Of course there is! Take for example this... We are all familiar with chisels: simple tools made from a long piece of steel with a bevelled cutting edge and a handle which is... Nick 29-Apr-2018 chisels